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Created by Rowan Lee. 

Hi, My name is Rowan Lee! I am a student pursuing a diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) at a local polytechnic in Singapore! I am the founder of Thekidsg! 

I created Thekidsg in the first place because I would like to share all the knowledge I have learned at school with the general community. In my curriculum, we have learned so much about early childhood practices. Examples such as how to uphold the safety of children, how do you create a healthy diet for children, what are the benefits of eating healthy, child development, and many more that could help anyone who has a child in their care! Through the curriculum, I realised that whatever I was learning could help those with children in their care and not just be limited to childcare settings! So why not share my knowledge?

As a male student in Early Childhood, where female figures dominate the course, I always receive questions such as why I am pursuing this course. Is it even worth it for a male student to pursue Early Childhood Education? Well, to be honest, I love children. The thought of inspiring, nurturing, educating little children and helping shape their future warms my heart. I enrolled into the course through the Early Admissions Exercise back in 2021. My passion was further fueled and proved when I went for attachment to a centre, where the children there brought me nothing but joy. I know for a fact that I am on the right course. 

Another interest that I have is the improvement of the mental well-being of everyone. In recent years, there has been a pressing need for the general improvement of mental well-fare in everyone - especially when the pandemic has hit us hard. I have been a strong advocate for mental well-being in my personal and professional capacity - as seen from my forum article where I briefly touched base on protecting our teachers' mental well-being. 

So, why not combine the two topics I am a great fond of, and talk about both on the same page? And that was how I came up with the idea of Thekidsg - my blog :)


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